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Stop Your Eyelashes From Falling With Careprost Eye Drops

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  • Stop Your Eyelashes From Falling With Careprost Eye Drops

    In order to treat glaucoma, which is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) brought on by a buildup of fluid (aqueous humour) in the eye, Careprost eye drops are an ophthalmic solution that lowers IOP. You can view Careprost online and receive deals that work. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) has the potential to harm the optic nerve fibers that travel from the rear of the eye to the brain. This could result in a progressive loss of vision, beginning with peripheral vision and ultimately leading to complete blindness in that eye. Careprost lowers intraocular pressure (IOP) and keeps vision loss at bay by promoting the drainage of aqueous fluid from the eye.