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Tiga Alasan untuk menjual AUD USD

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  • Tiga Alasan untuk menjual AUD USD


    🇨🇰🇺🇸Pasangan mata uang AUD/USD diperbaharui di multi-tahunan terendah di level 0.6800

    1️⃣ Tekanan pada mata uang dolar Australia disebabkan oleh kekhawatiran pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Jika ancaman resesi dunia terjadi maka akan berdampak ke pasar komoditas.

    2️⃣ Selain itu, produsen Australia tidak dapat meningkatkan penjualan batu bara nya ke China karena pertumbuhan produksi mereka sendiri di China, serta pembelian bahan bakar Rusia yang dilarang oleh konsumen Eropa..

    3️⃣ Prospek Bank Reserve Australia akan kembali menaikkan lagi suku bunga pada minggu depan juga tidak mendukung pertumbuhan AUD karena Fed bertindak lebih agresif.

    📉Analis merekomendasikan short AUD/USD dengan target 0,6700.

    ✅ cek langsung webnya saja https://amarketsprofit.com/trading_rally_2022/
    Menangkan hadiah lebih dari $100.000!

  • #2
    nah boleh juga ni alasannya kenapa bisa seperti itu ya


    • #3
      Australia is not a very large country in terms of GDP and population, yet the Australian dollar is the fifth most traded currency. The reason that traders are so interested in the AUD, and in the AUD/USD in particular comes down to geology, geography, and government policy. Geology is important because it's given Australia a huge array of valuable commodities for trade. Speaking of trade, geography has placed the country in an ideal location to trade with Asian nations that have an insatiable demand for those commodities. And government policy gives a stable economy and interest rates. Australian web design company used to do currency exchange usd to us dollar in every few months but now their clients are satisfied to make a payment in AUD.​


      • #4
        Although we used to deal with in the region of UK, some of our major clients were from Australia and they used to pay us AUD for our services to provide them custom airsoft patches for their companies. We initially used to offer them currency exchange but now they pay us in USD which is convenient for both of us.


        • #5
          That sounds like a great idea! Switching to USD must make it easier for your international clients. At custompatchesuk.co.uk, we specialize in providing custom velcro patches and are happy to see businesses like yours finding efficient payment solutions.

