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What do I need to do to be a successful trader?

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  • What do I need to do to be a successful trader?

    To be a successful trader, you need to elaborate your trading plan and find solutions that will help you implement it step by step. The seemingly easy money distracts a trader from reality, which is diligent hard work. First, to be a successful trader, you need perfect discipline. Elaborating your trading plan requires comprehensive knowledge of markets and the ability to apply it in practice.

    Forex traders deal with all the major currencies: USD, EUR, CHF, JPY, and GBP, with the US dollar being the most popular. The US dollar is used in nearly 70% of transactions. Forex has drawn together many banks, financial institutions, and individuals who trade with each other 24 hours a day, five days a week, exchanging currencies. Foreign exchange rates constantly fluctuate; they are affected by various factors. Having analyzed all the factors and concluded, a trader can foresee the upcoming market trends and make a profit from currency fluctuations.​

  • #2
    You must have to learn from a reliable source. If you use FreshForex broker's education section, you will get very internal stuff, even if you should use a reliable broker.


    • #3
      untuk menjadi trader sukses diperlukan pemilihan Broker yang aman dan profesional yang senantiasa memberikan dukungan terbaik untuk trader mereka. misalnya Broker AMarkets yang sangat membantu saya baik dari signal, edukasi, analisa trading harian

      Join Broker Amarkets disini


      • #4
        untuk bisa jadi trader sukses kamu perlu semua sumber informasi market,modal yang cukup dan strategytrading yang bagus


        • #5
          untuk jadi trader yang sukses kamu perlu juga broker yang bagus dan profesional untuk mendukung trading yang aman dan menguntungkan/
          cek Brokernya disini


          • #6
            You should be prepared to research the markets in depth, understand the risks and rewards associated with different investments, and stay abreast of the latest news and developments.

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