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The Role of Sleep in Eye Health: How Rest Impacts Vision

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  • The Role of Sleep in Eye Health: How Rest Impacts Vision

    Sleep is essential for general health, and this applies to eye health. Our body, including our eyes, repair and regenerate themselves while we sleep. Tear production is an important part of sleep because it keeps the eyes lubricated and prevents dryness and discomfort. Inadequate sleep can diminish tear production, causing symptoms like redness, itching, and blurred vision.

    Furthermore, sleep is critical to the health of the optic nerve, which transfers visual information
    Sightcare Reviews​ from the retina to the brain. Optimal sleep permits the optic nerve to rest and rejuvenate, resulting in effective communication between the eyes and the brain. According to studies, persistent sleep deprivation may increase the risk of certain eye disorders, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Thus, emphasizing the importance of quality sleep and developing healthy sleep patterns can dramatically improve eye health and lower the risk of visual disorders in the long run.​