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Fildena 150 - Increases blood flow

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  • Fildena 150 - Increases blood flow

    Fildena 150 mg is available as an oral tablet and should be taken as instructed by the doctor. Take the pill whole with water & do not chew or crush it. Before taking the medication, it is important to consult your doctor about the dosage and frequency of intake. The dosage depends on the grade of the ED problem and the tolerance level of the patient. You should take the pill as directed by your doctor and do not skip doses. It is also recommended to avoid heavy meals before taking the medication as it may slow down the digestion process.

    The onset of the medication is rapid and lasts for up to 4 hours. However, it is best to take it at least half an hour before sexual activity. It is advisable to drink plenty of water while taking the drug. This will prevent the drug from leaving your body too quickly and help in achieving an erection.

    View More:- Fildena Professional 100mg​ and Super Avana Online